Vermot UK Ltd
the company

We are a family company that has specialised in concrete cutting since 1989, with proven expertise when it comes to grooving and scarifying concrete floors and slats. We constantly seek to innovate adapting our technology to meet the needs of livestock farmers and manufacturers.

years of experience

years of experience in concrete cutting

machines designed and developed in house

machines designed and developed in house

employees in France, Germany and the UK

employees in France, Germany and the UK

million m2 grooved or scarified since 1989

million m² grooved or scarified since 1989


Denis Vermot was a dairy farmer before setting up his concrete floor grooving company in 1989, to solve the problem of livestock slipping in his stable. He bought a manual concrete groover, but it was not long before Denis had modified it to enhance its performance. Based on this success he launched the Vermot Company.

Although it was heavier and more powerful, the machine was harder to control.
A few years later in 1997, Denis Vermot became the first person to develop a self-propelled concrete grooving machine. Since then, the company has continued to improve, identifying new concrete cutting solutions in response to problems faced by livestock farmers.

In 2019 Lionel, Mathieu and Thibault Vermot, Denis’s three children, took over control of the company, and are committed to developing this unique expertise long-term.

The company

is founded


The company is founded 1989

The 1st grooving machine

is designed in house


The 1st grooving machine is designed in house 1989

2nd generation of grooving

machine is developed


2nd generation of grooving machine is developed 1999

Channel groove cutting


Channel groove cutting 2008

New headquarters,

including a 700 m² workshop


New headquarters, including a 700 m² workshop 2015

Sales launch of Brush’Kit


Sales launch of Brush'Kit 2016

Assisting agriculture
and industry through innovation

Since 1989 we have been committed to quality and innovation, aiming to meet your exact needs while offering you the best possible service. Our machines are designed by our internal R&D department, which is constantly seeking ways of developing our techniques.

This creativity has seen us awarded a number of prizes at various prestigious trade shows in the agricultural sector, including SPACE in Rennes and Le Sommet de l’Élevage (the Livestock Farming Summit) in Clermont-Ferrand.

Quality, speed
and flexibility

At Vermot we have a reputation for delivering a high-quality service. Whether it is in agriculture or industry, our teams can travel anywhere in France, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany and the UK in order to meet your needs. We have technicians across France and overseas to make it easier to handle your orders. This enables us to act quickly, at any time of the year, whether it is in your livestock building or your company.


Our innovations have received a number of awards at major French shows.

1999 - Concrete groove

Concrete grooving first self-propelled ride on machine

2016 - Brush'Kit

Brush kit for automotive scrapers

2017 - Brush'Kit

Brush kit for automotive scrapers

2020 - Brush'Kit

Special prize awarded one of the top 100 ideas in the past 25 years